Audit Contest: Procecss

Before the Contest

We carefully match auditors based on your project features and auditors' technical expertise. Everything is customizable: our algorithm maximizes our capability to satisfy your needs in terms of budget, timeline, and auditor background.

  1. Contact us: the more we know about the project, the more thorough your plan is:

    1. Your code

    2. Any other materials (system design, diagrams, architecture doc, etc.) that help us understand your protocol

    3. Any specific auditing needs (timeline, budget, etc)

    4. All auditors are protected by NDA - let us know if you need it.

  2. We send you the audit plan in 2 days with the suggested

    1. Contest duration

    2. Number of auditors

    3. Prize pool

We will work with you together to customize a plan that fits your needs.

During the Contest

  1. The contest starts within 24 hours after the contest plan detail is finalized

  2. The code freezes after the contest begins

  3. For contests that last more than 2 weeks, there will be complementary weekly findings summaries

  4. We will ensure that all auditors' questions will be surfaced to you promptly

  5. The contest results are thoroughly validated and graded by our internal security team

  6. The validated and consolidated findings will be delivered to you before the promised delivery time

  7. You are recommended to review the findings as soon as possible, preferrable within a week.

  8. We will verify the implemented fixes, and incorporate your feedback into the final auditing report, providing actionable insights and recommendations.

After the Contest

The audit is never a one-time thing. Here are three advantages that you can leverage from continuously engaging the Secure3 community.

  1. Free Bug Bounty: Secure3 offers one FREE bug bounty to all Secure3 Audit Contest, which means:

    1. 0 Take rate on Secure3

    2. Free and continuous access to the Secure3 auditors community.

    3. You can pay rewards in your own token

  2. Continuity on the incremental changes Audits: When you update the products and provide new changes to Secure3, we guarantee that

    1. Half of the previous auditors will be involved in your next audit to ensure the continuity

    2. Half of the auditors will be new faces to ensure different and all-around inspection angles.

    3. More details -> Projects FAQ

  3. Community's voice in social media

    1. Secure3 will post the Top 3 auditors and their findings

    2. Secure3 will collaborate with you on your PR needs

Last updated